Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I am so fuckin' thoroughly disgusted with humans in general that I've actually come up here to put it down.

I am disgusted!
they way you call ass-licking being persistent,
parasitic behavior networking, the way you justify every disgusting action of yours with a politically correct word..
the way you suck up to people for not just material gains but as crutches..
the way you call the network of crutches a society and how you fuckin' made me believe that it is essential for man's survival..
at this rate, i'll either loose my mind in a few years, murder half the world, or kill myself (which I'm not gonna do)

either I am too fuckin' sensitive for a human, or you've'll mutated to something so twisted that you can't ever think for yourself.. you might think that sucking up to someone is your birth-fuckin'-right!

and honestly, I don't fucking care.

I - D - O - N - T - F - U - C- K - I - N - G - C - A - R - E.

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